
Nominativo: Giuseppe
Commento: Itri è un bel paese solo un pò indietro con i tempi...

Nominativo: Valentina
Commento: Gruppo di musica popolare cerca percussionista esperto in tamburi a cornice.

Nominativo: Linda Fornaro
Commento: Greetings from the Rhode Island in the USA. I am so glad to have found this site and to be able to make a virtual visit to the home of my Grandparents Guiseppe Fornaro and Rachele Cannella. My dream is to one day be able to visit in person, walk the streets that generations of my ancestors walked, see the houses that they once called home and raised their families in, visit the Santuario di Maria SS della Civita and attend mass at the Churches of my ancestors, San Michelarcangelo and Santa Maria Maggiore.

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